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Veteran's Memorials - Burial at Sea



Curlew was donated on the 31st of January 1940 to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy at New London, Connecticut where she served as a sail-training vessel and saw coastal submarine patrol duty for the Coast Guard during WWII. In 1951 she was transferred to USCG Guard Recruit Training Center in Cape Maine, New Jersey where she served as a training vessel until 1960.


According to Bill Andree, who sailed on Curlew in 1954, every boot camp company got to go out for a one day training exercise. In a note from Robert Nogueira, who spent a week on her in late 1956 or early 1957, she was still being used as part of a basic training program, and further he reports that he had been told that in 1960, she was even sailed by President Kennedy (this has not been confirmed).

While a burial at sea for veterans can be handled by the Navy, the ceremony is performed while the ship is deployed, and consequently civilians are not allowed to be present.


Curlew offers a respectful, first class alternative.


For more information on Naval Traditions, you may link to: – Burial at Sea: a Time Honored Tradition